When I started this year long "journey" last week, I had decided that I would take pictures and measurements (weight and waist) every 2 weeks. I figured that would allow enough time between readings to show significant progress and help keep me on track.
As I arrived home from the gym this morning, my older daughter (who turns 4 next month) asked me, "Daddy, how much do you weigh?" This was odd. Even though she's been on the scale before, she's never asked me directly how much "I" weigh. Being pretty jazzed about this weeks' progress I decided to weigh myself right on the spot.
188.6 lbs.
23% BF
A new low (high?) with my weight. I can't tell you how long it's been since I was in the 180's. Could have been 7+ years. I have no idea. A minor accomplishment in the grand scheme of things, but an accomplishment none the less.
Anyone want to go have a cream soda? Just kidding.
Lastly, I wanted to share a little by-line from my wife's' school newsletter. She's a 4th grade teacher here in North Jersey:
End Procrastination
Perfectionism often leads to procrastination. Perfectionists would rather put off a project or task than do an incomplete job. Rather than perfection, aim for progress. Any small step toward completion is an accomplishment.
Oh, BTW...Samantha also wanted to know how much she weighed. I plopped her on the scale and found out she's 33.6 lbs. of pure joy.
Wow - you're sailin...
love the quote! it can be applied to so many areas of my life. i guess it kind of sums up my weight loss experience. i didn't start out aiming for where i'm at now. i just wanted to move in the right direction. maybe i am a perfectionist after all :)
Sweet! I know youre enjoying being somewhere you havent been in awhile. Thanks for the tip from your wife's school newsletter. I can be that perfectionist sometimes, I will remember this instead.
I must be a perfectionist because I procrastinate all the time :). Seem to do my best work under pressure.
you little story about you daughter on the scale made me smile. My son sees me on ours and he says "Daddy I want to check my numbers". He has no idea what it means but he gets on there stands still and waits for his digital numbers to pop up. I say 27.5 and he smiles and says "those are good numbers". cracks me up. :)
Isn't it funny? Kids do say the strangest things.
So much we can learn from them. Ah to be a child again. :-)
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