Been a rough Summer. Rather than bore you with the details I'll be brief.
Diet & exercise post LBI vacation back in July have been bad...really bad. Inconsistent on both fronts. Guilty as charged.
Went to VA Beach in August and had a wonderful vacation. Came home to an ever aging, ever ailing Grandfather (Pop) who turned 97 last month. Sadly I am in the process of transitioning him into a nursing home / assisted living facility. He needs 24/7 care and while there is no lack in desire on my part - I simply cannot provide what he needs with all the responsibilities I currently have.
I am a mess over this and I know it has contributed to my stress eating and lack of gym time.
While I previously blogged about the TT Transformation contest #2, I got off to a great start but never finished. See above for my "excuse". Mad, angry, annoyed, frustrated with myself. Nothing new - been here before.
Need to move on.
I am going to enter the TT Transformation contest #3 (details here if anyone is so inclined to join me) .
I will start.
I will persist.
I will overcome life's challenges.
I will persevere.
I will finish.
Hope all is well in Blog-land. Honesty, I haven't read too many posts lately. I often think that staying away is the answer when I know damn well it is not.
Catching up on Billy's posts is always an inspiration.
And a big thanks to Rip for checking in and keeping me honest.
I will start.
I will persist.
I will overcome life's challenges.
I will persevere.
I will finish.
Hope all is well in Blog-land. Honesty, I haven't read too many posts lately. I often think that staying away is the answer when I know damn well it is not.
Catching up on Billy's posts is always an inspiration.
And a big thanks to Rip for checking in and keeping me honest.
Sorry to hear about your grandfather. Its never easy and I am sure you are doing what is right for everyone involved. Glad you are getting back to your health goals. I think with most people a lull in blogs is a lull in their weight loss program or general health program. I know that rings true with me. If I am not posting semi regularly I am not working out semi regularly. Lots of good stuff to read out there from new and old FAT members. Take Care and keep posting, working out, and eating right!
Im sorry to hear about your grandfather. :(
I know the feeling all to well when you say rough summer. I know for me its so hard to keep my health in check when things like that happen.
I think entering the TT contest is a great idea. It will get you back into routine, and I have realized that when Im exercising I do feel more up than down.
Hang in there Gene!
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