a new beginning...

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Make your decision

I have still been lurking, it's just that I have been totally swamped at work. My company just launched a new website and as the head of IT at my job, it's my responsibility to make it work. I've been putting in long hours and worked right through the New Years Holiday. Not that it mattered too much since with 2 small children, we weren't going out to paint the town. My wife has been great and very understanding of the demands placed upon me these last few weeks. Thanks baby, I love you!

Now...I have so many great things I plan to blog about this year, I just need a bit of time to get over this professional hump.

So, the question is...have you made your decision?

  • Is this the year to make it "happen" for you?

  • Will 2007 be different than 2008?

  • In what way?

  • Have you written your goals?

  • Do you read them daily?

Once you make the decision, I mean really make the choice and eliminate any other option...the rest is easy. I'm not kidding.

Happy New Year - Happy New Life


Rob Tucker said...

It's good to 'say' it - it's much harder to do it, as proved time and time again by ME.

Let's see what 2008 has in store. It doesn't just happen, we have to make it happen. Looking forward to watching you make it happen!

kyle said...

It's nice to hear from you.

I think that we've all at one point or another made resolutions and failed to stick to them. I agree with what Tuck said, and I'm looking forward to following thru this year. I'm sure you'll be right there too.

Marcol said...

Happy New Year to you too!

GeneTheK said...

I'm starting to look at it this way...everyday, not just "2008" has the potential to be something special for each and every one of us.

It's all about the choices. Daily decisions.